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Tag: electronic content management

How Can The C-Suite Reduce Organizational Costs While Improving Service?

How Can The C-Suite Reduce Organizational Costs While Improving Service?

In a retreat, I facilitated for CEO, CFO, CHRO, CAO, CIO, and GLC we discussed how to reduce costs while at the same time improve service to customers and internally. Although there were many technologies discussed, such as AI and Machine Learning, we focused on three practical technologies that can provide immediate benefit – Digital Workflow, E-Signature, and Electronic Content Management. Digital Workflow eliminates the need to route information via email, phone, and paper by automating the intake, routing, decision making, and output. Customer and internal requests…

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How To Hire An ECM Consultant?

How To Hire An ECM Consultant?

Reason For ECM Consultant After specializing in the ECM industry for the past 25 years, I believe to be effective, an Electronic Content Management consultant must provide guidance, leadership, expertise in ECM and related digital technologies, business process improvement, and records information management/governance.   Today, ECM and related technologies include various tools, including capture, recognition, machine learning, content management, e-signature, e-forms, workflow, robotic process automation (RPA), AI, and electronic records management.    To be successful, an ECM consultant should be…

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