Top Public Housing Authorities improvement topics include going paperless; improving processes to maximize efficiency, quality, and service; and reducing operating risks. Here is our 2020 checklist for Housing Authorities, including ideas for improvement.
Public Housing Authority 2020 checklist questions and ideas.
- Do your employees need to work remotely but can’t function without going into the office to access paper files? Also, are documents stored in network drives and email challenging to find or protect from deletion? If so, explore how paperless technologies (ECM) capture, recognition, electronic signature, content management, workflow (routing), and electronic records management can be of help. If yes, develop a plan, requirements, RFP, and conduct vendor assessment.
- Do areas, such as Admissions, Asset Management, Development, Executive, Finance, Human Resources, IPS, Office Operations, Procurement, Property Management, Risk Management, and Safety need to be improved? If so, blueprint current processes. Identify ways to reduce costs, waiting time, unnecessary steps, mistakes, communication issues, and re-work. Create a redesigned blueprint, showing how the processes can be improved; first through procedural changes and then with technology. Develop a change action plan.
- Do current computer systems not work the way they should, or will the vendor be discontinuing support? If yes, develop requirements for the new system. Identify what in the current system is not working, not being used, and needs to be improved. Identify overall goals for the system (efficiency, service). Turn the requirements identified into a detailed RFP to test vendor abilities, and find a new, better vendor.
- Do email, records management, and public disclosure policies, procedures, and schedules, need to be updated and followed? If so, perform an Information Governance / Records Information Management assessment. Identify what policies, procedures, and records schedules need to be updated, and training requirements.
About the Author. George Dunn, the president of CRE8 Independent Consultants, is a worldwide recognized consultant, speaker, instructor, and author on business process improvement, advanced technologies (including paperless), governance, and computer system replacement. He has extensive experience assisting Housing Authorities. George can be reached as follows.