Is Your Organizations Digital Workflow Project Momentum Stuck?

A common complaint from organizations and workflow software account representatives is once a successful digital workflow project is completed or several are implemented in departments such as IT or HR, the momentum stalls. As an independent consultant, after conducting hundreds of workflow studies, for many different platforms including M365, Google, Laserfiche, OpenText, ServiceNow, Nintex, Hyland On-Base, Oracle, Kofax, FileNet/IBM,, and many others…..
I believe three primary reasons for “project stall” is the lack of a well thought out and agreed to workflow enterprise plan, budget, ROI, and roadmap. Without these components, sustainability is at risk of slow crawl and deployment may occur in pockets of the enterprise, where groups believe there is a benefit, but these projects do not capture the interest of the CEO or CTO.
Why? Today, there are so many IT projects competing for attention if a compelling digital workflow enterprise-wide business case is not presented and constantly reaffirmed, this technology will become under-deployed, and overtime ignored. I find the same is true for deployment of RPA (Robotic Process Automation).
The results? Organizations will miss out on the expansion of key dynamic digital transformation technologies!
Our CRE8 Independent Consultant studies find that digital workflow can provide a 15% to 60% improvement (and for some areas over 10x) improvement in quality, efficiency and/or customer service. Add in RPA and the results may double and more. That is impressive by any account.
Vendors also lose out when the expansion is slowed, as it becomes more difficult for account reps to meet their goals.
So what is a three-step approach to “RE-CHARGE” expansion of Digital workflow projects, and RPA from an Independent Consultant perspective?
Conduct a comprehensive enterprise study to assess where digital workflow and RPA can be of benefit. Rank organizational “processes” in terms of how workflow (and RPA) can improve service, quality, and efficiency of processes. Assess current organizational labor costs per process. Calculate project return on investment (ROI) and develop a multi-year budget and road map.
For the study to be objective, it should be conducted by a consultant independent of the organization and the vendor. One who is a subject matter expert in this technology.
Integrate process improvement methods into the digital workflow and RPA planning. If you don’t improve the underlying process before workflow and RPA automation, errors in the process will get carried forward, and the results will be significantly less. “Automate a mess, get a faster mess.”
For best results, the planning consultant should also have significant experience in process methods (BPM, Six Sigma, LEAN, Re-engineering, Quality) and digital workflow planning.
After each workflow deployment is completed, document and internally communicate the benefits. Compare the original process state, including cycle times, issues resolution, benefits identification, and ROI to the new process state. Update the enterprise plan, and communicate results and benefits, keep working the digital workflow and RPA project list.
Digital workflow and RPA are both powerful tools if properly planned for and deployed together correctly. For additional information on Digital Workflow Read More.
For a free consultation on how CRE8 Independent Consultants can be of assistance Contact Us. As independent consultants we do not represent vendor solutions but work directly for the end-user client. This allows us to provide an objective voice regarding process improvement options, workflow design, and assessment of workflow products.
About the Author: George Dunn, President of CRE8 Independent Consultants, is a worldwide recognized digital workflow and process improvement consultant, speaker, and author. He has improved organizations ranging in size from 25 to 250,000 employees; and trained thousands of individuals. Contact George as follows and connect with George on LinkedIn.