How Do You Know If Your Organization Will Benefit From A Chief Process Officer (CPO)? 

How Do You Know If Your Organization Will Benefit From A Chief Process Officer (CPO)? 

How Do You Know If Your Organization Will Benefit From A Chief Process Officer (CPO)? A full or part time CPO can benefit your organization if the answer is as follows to one or more questions.  Areas include operations, processes, computer systems, and governance. Operations Yes Is your organization growing?  Are you adding employees? Will the organization need to contract in size if it loses key customers or due to economic conditions?   Would you like to strengthen the organization’s relationship with…

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How Do You Know If Your Law Firm Will Benefit From A Chief Process Officer (CPO)? 

How Do You Know If Your Law Firm Will Benefit From A Chief Process Officer (CPO)? 

How do you know if your law firm will benefit from a Chief Process Officer (CPO)? A full-time or fractional (part-time) CPO can help your law firm if the answer is as follows to one or more of the following questions.  Areas include law firm fees, operations, processes, and computer systems. Law Firm Fees Yes Is your law firm under ongoing pressure to reduce fees and, at the same time, increase partner profitability?   Are clients asking for holdbacks, discounts, write-offs,…

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Does Your Law Firm Need A Chief Process Officer?

Does Your Law Firm Need A Chief Process Officer?

This white paper will ask and answer the following four questions. 1) How do you know if your law firm will benefit from a full-time or fractional (part-time) Chief Process Officer (CPO)?  2) What are the responsibilities and qualifications of a Chief Process Officer?  3) Why can’t the partners and other chiefs just conduct this work for their areas? 4) What happens if there is no CPO in place? Made with Visme This paper is written by George Dunn, President CRE8 Independent Consultants. George…

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Why is a Digital Workflow Consultant Important?

Why is a Digital Workflow Consultant Important?

Digital Workflow – A Powerful Tool For Your Organization From internal operations – to the customer – to interactions with vendors, workflow technology automation can smash paradigms and innovate your organization. Workflow technology can produce significant improvement for Operations, Finance, Human Resources, Administration, Legal, Sales/Marketing, and Other Departments. Studies show that when properly deployed, workflow technology can improve a process from 25% to 75%, resulting in a return on investment of up to 10x.   When not deployed correctly workflow can…

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Does Your Organization Need A Chief Process Officer?

Does Your Organization Need A Chief Process Officer?

This white paper will ask and answer the following four questions. 1) How Do You Know If Your Organization Will Benefit From A Chief Process Officer (CPO)?  2) What are the responsibilities of a Chief Process Officer?  3) Why can’t the other Chiefs handle this work? 4) What happens if there is no CPO in place? Made with Visme

What Is Wrong With M365?

What Is Wrong With M365?

An M365 steering committee meeting, which I was invited to by the chief executive officer (CEO), started off with: an operational executive telling information technology (IT) that they could not find documents they needed in Shared Drives, One Drive, Teams, and SharePoint. They said the document management situation was a hot mess, legal saying that during e-discovery lawsuit, older records had been discovered in Teams and SharePoint that should have been disposed of in accordance with their schedules and they…

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Is How Your Organization Is Storing Content Causing Operational, IG, Audit, Regulatory, & Litigation Risk?

Is How Your Organization Is Storing Content Causing Operational, IG, Audit, Regulatory, & Litigation Risk?

This year an area of focus for operational improvement, information governance, legal departments, auditors, regulators, and, yes, those bringing lawsuits against your organization is how and where your employees are storing company information and unstructured content (emails, documents, photos, videos, spreadsheets, presentations, blueprints, maps, texts, voice mails, etc.) in their corporate email, personal email, network drives, data systems, ECM systems, collaboration platforms, cell phones, handheld devices, copy machines, and paper files. We find most organizations have 12 to over 25…

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The Case For Law Firm Standard Operating Procedures

The Case For Law Firm Standard Operating Procedures

I recently gave a presentation on the benefits of law firms developing standard operating procedures. Why is this important? Did you know that for most firms less than 35% of their process are effectively documented (complete, consistent, detailed, up-to-date). What is the cost to the firm? 1) When employees leave, firm and client knowledge walks right out the door. 2) Digital transformation is less effective as business rules are not correctly automated. 3) The client questions what is happening when…

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The Need For Standard Operating Procedures

The Need For Standard Operating Procedures

I recently gave a presentation on the benefits of developing standard operating procedures. Why is this important? Did you know, that for most organizations, less than 35% of their process are effectively documented (complete, consistent, detailed, up-to-date). What is the cost? 1) When employees leave, their organizational knowledge walks right out the door. 2) Digital transformation is less effective as business rules are not correctly automated. 3) The customers question what is happening when products/services delivered are inconsistent. 4) Organizational…

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The Benefit of Reducing Friction In Our Personal Lives.

The Benefit of Reducing Friction In Our Personal Lives.

The benefit of reducing friction in our personal lives. Part 4 excerpt of interview with George Dunn, President CRE8 Independent Consultants by Jeremy Jones, CEO Ideas and Impact Podcast. (1.3 minutes).  Mr. Dunn has extensive experience assisting fortune 100, middle market, and government with Process Improvement (Friction-Less, Re-engineering, LEAN, Six Sigma, Total Quality, and Business Process Improvement) and Digital Transformation (Digital Workflow, RPA, ECM, Machine Learning, and AI). He speaks at worldwide events and is a recognized author. For more information…

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