RPA The Secret to Your Workflow Sustainability
Organizations throughout the world are realizing the benefits of using Robotic Processing Automation (RPA) to cut down the time spent on manual tasks that can be easily automated. Because RPA-fueled workflows mimic human actions without the need for human intervention, RPA and technologies such as Digital Workflow can dramatically increase organizational efficiency and cost savings for almost all operational and back-office processes.

However without a comprehensive plan, RPA will become sidelined over time, and investment in this technologies will be minimized.
To learn how to help ensure that your RPA project is sustainable and expandable, on April 28th, 2021 at 12:50 PM ET George Dunn, President of CRE8 Independent Consultants will be speaking at the AIIM21 online conference regarding what is RPA, how to plan for RPA, and how to develop a return on investment assessment to get projects funded.
For paid AIIM21 attendees, Mr. Dunn will also be available for a no-cost consultation on how to plan for RPA and related technologies such as Digital Workflow, ECM, and Machine Learning. The AIIM conference will run from April 27th to the 29th, 2021. For full conference information, more information see www.aiimconference.com
As the AIIM21 Show has been completed, feel free to reach out directly to us regarding any questions on how to plan for RPA at consulting@cre8inc.com
About Mr. Dunn. George has helped hundreds of organizations innovate thousands of operational processes and identify how advanced technologies, such as electronic signature, digital workflow, electronic content management, and robotic process automation can dramatically reduce organizational cost, improve quality, and increase service. George has assisted organizations that range in size from 25 to over 250,000 employees, across numerous industries. He is certified and has applied lean, six sigma, re-engineering, business process management, total quality management, workflow improvement methods; and held executive, management, and senior staff positions at CRE8, GTE, Wang, and KPMG.